Sabrina Lee | Handmade Dresses

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Unique Style Icons: Want Show Laundry

I read mainstream fashion mags and follow the trends like everyone else, but I’ve always admired women who have their own strong sense of style and a unique visual identity. Since we are all sitting at home in sweatpants nowadays, I thought it would be entertaining counterprogramming to share a few of the unique style icons that I have found (and no, none of them are named Audrey, Marilyn or Sophia).

Our first style icon is Want Show Laundry, an unassuming laundromat in my homeland of Taiwan. The octogenarian couple that owns Want Show Laundry have put together incredible outfits using pieces of clothing left behind by their customers.

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What are the takeaways?

1. Stylish people can be stylish wearing anything.

2. Coordinating couple outfits are adorable, especially when you hit your 80s.

3. Wear Converse with everything.

For this week’s outfit, I thought about collecting discarded clothing from the laundry room in my building, but that was a non-starter because the only items that are left behind are socks. Instead, I decided that the outfit had to be put together using at least one item of clothing given to me by someone else. Most of my friends know that I sew, so over the years they have been giving me their old clothes in the hopes that I can refashion them into something new. I took an old work shirt that a co-worker gave me, and paired it with a cropped blue jacket that I made several years ago, white bootcut jeans from Ann Taylor Loft and, of course, white Converse sneakers. My partner in crime is wearing his banker’s suit jacket and black dress shoes, paired with my hiking shorts and ski socks.

Tell me: are you inspired by this couple’s forever young style? Let me know in the comments.

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