Sabrina Lee | Handmade Dresses

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Unique Style Icons: FIGTNY

It’s time once again to scour the interwebs for the best, most unique, style icons out there. Today’s style icon is Michaela Babuskova of FIGTNY. This icy blonde is firmly committed to her black and white color palette, which pervades her clothing but also her home decor. Michaela loves a crisp white piece with a loose silhouette:

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She is also a great source of inspiration for elevated athleisure looks - see for example the below looks where she mixes (1) a relaxed blazer with loose white pants and sneakers, and (2) a T-shirt with shoulder pads paired with joggers and sneakers.

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So what strikes me after looking at FIGTNY’s style?

  1. Cozy fabrics such as sweater knits, fleece and wool can’t change the world outside, but they can make us all feel more comfortable while we’re all forced to stay home.

  2. Even sweat pants can be elevated with the addition of a shoulder padded tee or a blazer.

  3. Flouncy white cotton dresses might be my new style crush.

For today’s challenge, I decided to steal Michaela’s idea of adding shoulder pads to my basic white t-shirt. This was pretty easy - I just folded the sleeves in and stitched the shoulder pads in place. I will post a video tutorial on how to do this next week. Next step: nailing the pose that Michaela struck in her photo, which was super hard and left me with sore legs…

RuPaul would be disappointed in my inability to serve face. While I work on that, tell me: what do you do to elevate your athleisure looks? Have you tried sewing shoulder pads into your t-shirts?

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