Sabrina Lee | Handmade Dresses

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Unique Style Icons: Coco

This week’s unique style icon is Coco: a young fashion influencer in Japan who hasn't even graduated from elementary school yet, but has the disaffected attitude down pat.

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And here she is paying homage to Cher in Clueless:

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Just look at this texture play! Best of all, it's all vintage (except the shoes, which are Fendi, naturally).

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What do I admire most about Coco’s style?

  1. She has the modelling thing down pat - I’m still learning my angles and trying to lose my self-consciousness in front of the camera, while she is just naturally overflowing with attitude. And she already knows how to display the merch like a pro - see how the brand-name bag is always displayed prominently in every shot.

  2. Her total and complete commitment to the look she is creating - every detail ties into the color palette and/or textures of the look, from the shoes, to the bag, to the hat, to the sunglasses. In the first look for example, the white stripes in the hat tie in with the black speckles on the sunglasses and the white stitching and silver hardware on the jacket, while the greys in the bag and shoes also tie together. I usually pull on a dress and call it a day, but Coco really puts in the effort to make sure every detail is perfect. I can’t imagine the number of accessories she must have at her disposal to be able to so perfectly match her accessories to her looks.

  3. Her ability to rock interesting flats. As a short person, I default to wanting to wear heels to look stylish, but Coco has figured out how to make use of a wide variety of interesting flat shoe styles.

I decided to take inspiration from Coco’s last look and copy the layering, texture play and black and white color palette. I paired a cream lacy dress from H&M with a white jacket that I refashioned from a thrift store find, then added a belt, black cardigan, the chain strap from a bag, and white sneakers. I think it works a lot better than I would have thought - I feel like I could walk into any hipster coffee shop in Brooklyn in this outfit with a straight face.

Are you inspired by Coco’s style? What elements can you incorporate into your outfits? Let me know in the comments.

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